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  • Writer's pictureHarsh Verma

What Is Office Signage?

Office Signage refers to any type of graphic or signage used in an office setting. It plays an essential role in helping visitors and clients navigate your building from outside, and ensure they reach the correct rooms.

Custom Signage

Effective reception branding sets a tone and communicates certain values to guests of your business. Customized office door signs help label offices, conference rooms and common areas.

Wayfinding Signage

Wayfinding signage is an essential feature of any office or workspace, providing customers and visitors with the guidance they can rely on to find their way safely around your workplace and reducing frustration caused by searching.

Directional wayfinding signs may use arrows, words or symbols and should be easily understandable to help people orient themselves in unfamiliar environments. Landmarks such as parks, statues or unique buildings may also help people orient themselves.

Informational wayfinding signage includes maps, guides, posters and any other form of directional information that provides answers to commonly asked questions such as "What are your opening hours?" or "Where can I find the nearest restroom?". Conversely, regulatory wayfinding signs focus more on safety and liability concerns with their emphasis on rules and policies that promote compliance in healthcare facilities, corporate offices, college campuses, shopping malls hotels, or airports.

Directional Signage

Custom Signage

Directional signage is the foundation of any effective wayfinding system. Both inside and outside your building, people require easily read directional signs pointing them toward restrooms, cafeterias, elevators, conference rooms and so forth. Furthermore, exit/entrance indicators should be placed prominently to help avoid confusion and ensure people's safety in an emergency situation.

Directional signs come in all sorts of shapes, designs and materials - wall mounted signs can be an ideal way to display conference room names and numbers alongside important information like ADA compliance or hazard warnings, while A-frame or coroplast signs make excellent choices for directing foot traffic along sidewalks or parking lots.

Consider opting for more interactive directional signs by installing digital screens or touchscreen kiosks with embedded lights or serialized messaging to make for an eye-catching directional sign option. These unique displays can often be found at public locations like airports, sports arenas and transportation hubs.

Interior Signage

Interior office signage can play an integral part in branding an office environment. A building decorated in dark blue colors with carefully chosen fonts may connote efficiency and dedication while bright red spaces may convey fun-loving dynamism.

Wayfinding signs can assist people in navigating throughout a building or office, and elevator wraps provide another layer of identification - they also serve to inform visitors what each floor is for as well as communicate additional messaging such as health and safety guidelines.

Identification signs found on office doors typically feature Braille or tactile lettering that conforms with ADA guidelines in terms of proportion, character height, sign finish and contrast. They may also feature the company name and logo to assist visitors. They can even be printed onto window clings for easy repositioning; once applied they can also easily be removed and reapplied as soon as the company changes its signage strategy.

Custom Signage

Corporate Signage

Corporate signage can give your business the look and feel of a successful brand, helping visitors understand its mission statement, corporate culture and unique ideas. It provides the perfect way to show customers your company pride while simultaneously communicating all your company has to offer them.

Your corporate signage should utilize simple language that passersby can understand. Incorporating consistent fonts and colors, as well as logo displays in multiple ways - such as monument signs or large murals - should ensure maximum engagement from customers.

Professional sign makers offer customized signage solutions for every situation imaginable, from guiding people through your office or identifying offices in a building to meeting safety standards and ADA Code compliance requirements. Their experts use only high quality materials when crafting corporate signs that reflect your brand and ensure optimal results for long-term durability.



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